Tag Archives: Photography
New! Colors of California Agriculture
“Colors of California Agriculture” (2018) by Peter Goin and Paul F. Starrs is now available! Order your copy today. Continue reading
Take a look inside Nevada Rock Art at photo-eye.com
Nevada Rock Art contains rarely seen images that are themselves artifacts of fieldwork conducted throughout the back roads, valleys, summits, drainages, and mountain ridges of Nevada. From the northernmost wildlife refuge to the sun-blasted southern tip of creosote-bush country, the process … Continue reading
Black Rock (paperback)
The Black Rock is a desert realm the size of Delaware about one hundred miles north of Reno, Nevada. Shaped by water, wind, geothermal activity, and human interaction since ancient times, the desolate, haunting landscape nonetheless teems with life in … Continue reading
Red Rocks of Nevada Smudged by Less Colorful Graffiti
Red Rocks of Nevada Smudged by Less Colorful Graffiti – NYTimes.com Nevada Rock Art, the spectacular book published by Peter Goin, under the auspices of the Black Rock Institute Press, includes a chapter by BLM Archeologist and rock art specialist, Mark Boatwright, … Continue reading